In this webinar, we will take a closer look at some of our Course Offerings for the Summer Quarter 2021 - Exploring Hinduism, Lessons from Valmiki Ramayana, Gita Vidya Sadhana and Vedic Mathematics, with the respective Faculty Members. These courses can be taken by Families together, so that multiple generations can learn together in a single classroom!
For Parents and Grandparents:
1. Can teenagers and Parents learn together?
2. Or is it always better to separate them into two groups?
3. How do we preserve and transmit Hindu Dharma to the next generation?
4. What are the challenges in ensuring a successful transmission?
For Teenagers:
1. Is Hindu Dharma relevant in the contemporary era?
2. Is the study of Hindu Dharma worth your while?
3. Or will you engage with it, only because your parents ask you to?
4. What life lessons can you learn from the culture of your ancestors?
Join a Summer course at Hindu University of America with your family!