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Gita Jayanti marks the day when Bhagavan Sri Krishna bestowed supreme wisdom to mankind. Students of the Bhagavad-Gita around the world celebrate this day in a variety of ways. This year it will be celebrated on December 3rd. In this webinar we celebrate Gita Jayanti by discussing the principles of holistic wellness as explained in the Bhagavad-Gita for attaining soundness of the body, mind and atma.

During the Saturday webinar we will also discuss the material and psychological aspects of humans through 6 thematic topics based on the elements of nature, characteristics of the human body and mind to sensory objects and controlling the senses.

Participants will also learn about food and its influence on the human body, characteristics of the human mind, and what it takes to achieve a balanced consciousness. The webinar will conclude with a virtual tour of the newly inaugurated Gita Vidya Centre in Germany.

Learn more about Speaker: Mr. Gopi V. Prasad