Hindu Society and Culture
Dr. D.K. Hari and Dr. D.K. Hema Hari through their Bharath Gyan compilation provide a fact and record based basis for understanding why the Hindus are considered to be the most adaptable, accommodating and assimilating people in the world and how the Bharata Civilization has been a hallmark for Unity and Diversity. They also throw light on the factors that aided this civilization to flourish and on the reasons that have caused a substantial breakdown of this Society. 

Their work clears the wrong understanding of the Hindu Society and breaks the myths that have wrongly dubbed it as a patriarchal, male dominated, oppressive, rigid, stratified, regressive society. It instead showcases the core of the Bharata civilization to fathom the weave that makes up the fabric of this hoary, successful and continuing Civilization and also showcases how the various dimensions of a Hindu life are interlaced together, to form the intricately woven fabric called Samaj.

This webinar is for raising awareness on the various dimensions of the society and culture of the Bharata civilization and how despite this multifaceted nature, this civilization has a common culture, the Bharatiya Kalachar. This webinar will also offer details about their forthcoming course at the Hindu University of America which will provide a deeper understanding of this Society and Culture.
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