Speaker: Dr. Venkataraman Swaminathan
The webinar will give a brief introduction to the daśaśāntimantras from the R̥g Vēda, Kr̥ṣṇa-yajur Vēda, Śukla-yajur Vēda, Sāma Vēda and the Atharva Vēda. These verses reveal the purport of the Vedas and beautifully unfold the one absolute reality which represents the existence principle, knowledge principle and the self-sufficiency principle.
The verses are traditionally chanted before the study of the 10 popular Upaniṣads of the Vedas. Ādi Śaṅkara's commentaries on the Upaniṣads often include these śāntimantras. Students of Vēdānta also chant these mantras as part of their daily prayers.