In the Western Imagination, Caste has come to define Hinduism. And the study of Hinduism by western Academics gets centered on Caste as the only organizing principle of Hinduism. How did this happen? Especially when Caste is not a word that occurs originally in any of the Indian languages? Is Varna and Jati - the words used in Sanskrit the same as Caste? Or is there a subtle but important distinction in meaning, when these Sanskrit words get mapped into the English word - Caste?
In this Webinar, we will explore this mystery - How did a word "Caste" which does not exist in the Indian vocabulary come to dominate the discourse about Hindu dharma. We will also introduce the "Orientation to Hindu Studies Course" where prospective Students can learn how Hindu University of America is reorganizing the Academic Study of Hinduism so as to represent an authentic Hindu perspective.