Soundaryalaharii - Satsang in Samskrtam_Mailer

Speaker: Dr. Venkataraman Swaminathan

Among the stotra literature Soundaryalaharī, attributed to Ādi Śaṅkarācārya, occupies a special place. It is in the form of a description (varṇanam), from head-to-toe, keśadi-pāda, of Goddess Tripurasundari. It is also considered as a mantra śāstra and together with a suitable yantra (altar) it constitutes a wholesome śāktam mode of worship. Besides their exposition of profound philosophical ideas of the creator and the creation, the hundred verses of Soundaryalaharī are known for their poetic excellence and sophisticated expressions. 

In this webinar, get a glimpse of the grandeur of Soundaryalaharī in terms of the richness of the poetic, linguistic, and philosophical content.
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