The global Hindu diaspora brings with it a slice of India's temple culture through the myriad of temples raised in cities and communities all over the world. Temples have been an integral part of Hindu culture; a temple is where a seeker connects to the source; a temple is where traditions are handed across generations; temples are repositories of art. Thousands of temples dot the Indian landscape, many are towering monuments that are more than a 1000 years old. Join us in this webinar, a precursor to the quarter long course on Hindu temples and traditions - to get a peek into the temple culture of India. Learn about festivals, worship traditions, architecture, sthala puranas and more.
This is a webinar offered by HUA featuring Dr. Kanniks Kannikeswaran, author and publisher, TempleNet.

Take a look at the Hindu Temples and Traditions course, offered in the Fall at HUA!