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Read full post: A Rejuvenating Journey

A Rejuvenating Journey

HUA's Ayurveda Wellness Retreat, from March 28 to 31, 2024, offered transformative experiences in Ayurvedic wisdom, yoga, and music. With expert guidance and Sattvic meals, participants shared reflections and a commitment to continue exploring ancient wisdom.

A Rejuvenating Journey

 Hindu University of America’s inaugural Ayurveda Wellness Retreat

The Hindu University of America (HUA) recently hosted its enchanting Ayurveda Wellness Retreat, nestled in the serene Pine Lake Retreat near Orlando, Florida. This four-day experience, from Thursday, March 28 to Sunday, March 31, 2024, offered a soulful blend of Ayurvedic wisdom, yoga practices, and the healing power of music. The retreat's theme centered around Ayurveda, Yoga, Chakras, Marma, Nadi Pariksha, Raga Chikitsa, and Sattvic Vegetarian Food, creating a harmonious blend of knowledge and wellness practices.

Faculty Excellence

Guided by a distinguished panel of experts like Dr. Mahadevan, Dr. Shriram Sarvotham, Vaidya Rupali Panse, and Vaidya Kanada Narahari, participants delved deep into the ancient sciences of Ayurveda and Yoga. Guest lecturers Vaidya Heena Bhatt and Vaidya Aparna Bapat brought their specialized knowledge to the table, enriching the experience with their insights on Marma and Nadi Pariksha. The laughter yoga sessions with Mr. Suresh Gupta added a joyous dimension to the healing practices.

Our Excellent faculty (From L to R): Raaga Chikitsa exponent Vaidya Kanada Narahari, Yoga expert Dr. Shriram Sarvotham, Ayurvedic Vaidya Dr. Rupali Pense, and Organizer of this event, Dr. Mahadevan.

A Day-wise glimpse into Wellness

Day 1 kicked off with a warm welcome and orientation by Dr. Mahadevan, followed by a rejuvenating Yoga Nidra session with Shriram Sarvotham. The evening culminated in a Raga Chikitsa theory session and a captivating sitar concert, setting the tone for the days to follow.

Day 2 began with the sun salutations and yoga sessions led by Dr. Shriram Sarvotham, interwoven with potent slokas and pranayama exercises. Vaidya Rupali Panse took the participants on an exploratory journey into Dinacharya and understanding Prakruti and Doshas. The day ended on a musical note with more Raga Chikitsa and a sitar concert.

Day 3 continued the educational saga with deeper dives into Ayurveda Diet and Nutrition and Chakras. Special guest lectures on Marmas and Nadi Pariksha brought new perspectives, followed by an uplifting session of laughter yoga. The day concluded with a discussion on feedback and a kirtan along with a sitar/tabla concert.

Day 4 marked the concluding sessions with insights into the growth of HUA over the past five years and a tour of the facility. The retreat concluded after a nourishing lunch.


Holistic Schedule and Sattvic Diet

Each day was meticulously organized, starting with a wake-up call at 6 AM and lights off by 10 PM. The retreat provided Sattvic Vegetarian meals, with breakfast at 8:30 AM, lunch at 12:30 PM, and dinner at 6:30 PM, supporting the body’s natural rhythm. Yoga sessions commenced at 7 AM, with Yoga Nidra post-lunch to rejuvenate the spirit. The afternoon classes spanned from 3:30 PM to 6:30 PM, offering an in-depth understanding of Ayurvedic principles. Music sessions and Kirtans at 8 PM each evening provided a soulful close to the day.


Snapshot of the Retreat Schedule


Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

7:00 AM


Morning Yoga

Morning Yoga

Morning Yoga

8:30 AM





9:30 AM


Ayurveda Learning

Ayurveda Learning

Concluding session with President of HUA

12:30 PM





2:00 PM

Yoga Nidra

Yoga Theory



2:30 PM

Yoga Theory

Yoga Nidra

Guest Lecture & Nadi Pariksha


3:30 PM


Ayurveda Learning

Guest Lecture & Nadi Pariksha


6:30 PM





7:30 PM

Raga Chikitsa (Theory)

Raga Chikitsa (Theory)

Retreat Feedback and Survey


8:00 PM

Sitar Concert

Kirtan and Sitar Concert

Kirtan and Sitar/Tabla Concert

Concluding Session

Concluding Remarks

The Hindu University of America’s Ayurveda Wellness Retreat was a transformative event, providing each participant with a unique blend of education, practice, and self-discovery. It proved to be a nourishing ground for body, mind, and spirit, fostering personal growth and inner peace.

As we gathered our thoughts and belongings on the final day, the air was thick with a sense of fulfillment. The reflections shared during the concluding session were overwhelmingly positive, with many expressing profound gratitude for the knowledge and practices they had absorbed. The heartfelt testimonials highlighted transformative experiences, a testament to the retreat's profound impact on individual wellness journeys.

The feedback collected was a resounding affirmation of the retreat's success, with participants already expressing anticipation for the next gathering. They spoke of newfound clarity in their daily lives, a deeper connection to Yoga and Ayurvedic principles, and an eagerness to continue their practice. The promise of growth, learning, and community drew a unanimous look forward to reconvening under the tranquil of Pine Lake.

In closing, the retreat not only achieved its aim but also sparked a collective eagerness to delve deeper into our ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and Yoga. The commitment of HUA to foster holistic well-being was palpable, and as participants, there was a shared commitment to carry this wisdom forth until we meet again for the next rejuvenating retreat.

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