Recent Posts

Yog-Darshan — The Story of Yoga
Conceived, Composed and created by Dr Kanniks Kannikeswaran, this story is a celebration of Yoga that is ingrained in the cultural ethos of India.

Equating Hinduism and Caste: State of California vs Cisco Systems

Gītā Vidyā Webinar
Gita Vidya is a three course sequence involving Sādhana, Śodhana, and Vādana; with focus on 116 ślokas selected out of the 700 from the Bhagavad-Gītā.

Comparing the Musical Traditions of India
A preview into the world of Indian music traditions and how they compare with western music.

Studying Sanskrit at HUA Webinar
Our Teachers Shri Chandra Raghu ji and Shri Sreenath ji explain the various paths we have at HUA for Sanskrit Studies.

Reconstructing Hindu History – Webinar

Western Psychology vs Antaranga Yoga
In this webinar we explore the similarities and differences between Western Psychology and the Hindu Conception of Inner Yoga i.e. Antaranga Yoga.

The Story of Hinduism and the Diaspora

A Webinar on Aryanism and Indology
A webinar by Dr. Bagchee on Aryanism and Indology that shows how History and historicity is rooted in Christianity.

A talk by Dr. Kundan Singh
A talk by Dr. Kundan Singh and a subsequent conversation with Shri Sankrant Sanu, hosted by SangamTalks.

Colonial Discourse on India and Hinduism
Dr. Kundan Singh in conversation with Dr. Rinkoo Wadhera on "Colonial Discourse On India and Hinduism".