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Pandita Dr Indrani Rampersad

Pandita Dr Indrani Rampersad is a Hindu and women’s activist who, in 2013, received Trinidad and Tobago’s National Award GOLD for Outstanding Contribution to The Development of Women’s Rights and Issues in the Sphere of Religion and Community. She received her BA Hon degree (1976) from Banaras Hindu University (India), and Master’s Degree (1998) and PhD (2003) in Communication and Journalism, from University of Pune (India). She has worked as a teacher in Trinidad and New York and as a senior journalist in Trinidad. Indrani is also Trinidad and Tobago’s first state certified female Vedic-Hindu priest in the Arya Samaj tradition and serves on the Culture Committee of Ayodhya Research Institute, India.
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Hindu Studies in Academia: Need for the...
There is a clear need for a scholar with a warrior, historical and dharma consciousness to reverse miseducation in Hindu civilization and dharma.