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Yoga: Path to Stillness & Samadhi

This blog explores the sutra "yogaḥ citta vṛtti nirodhaḥ," defining yoga as the cessation of mental fluctuations to achieve samadhi. It emphasizes quieting the mind to reveal the true Self and...

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The yagña is one the fundaments of Sanātana Dharma. This blog explores the philosophical meaning of yagña, how it pervades all aspects of life, and how we may use this understanding to inform our...

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The Pillar in the New Paradigm

The Pillar in the New Paradigm
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Necessity for Hindu Studies in Academic...

Academic studies of Hinduism is a necessity, as it can shape the current and future generations' understanding and appraisal of Hinduism. Academia has larger scale influence and...
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Yogavasistha: An Encyclopedia of Advaita...

Maharśi Vālmīki is known mainly for writing the epic Rāmāyaṇa but very few know that he also wrote another equally profound book called Uttara Rāmāyaṇa, Mahārāmāyaṇa, Ārśa-Rāmāyaṇa, Jñānavāsiṣṭha,...
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Pranayama is about disciplining the breath, so as to simply be able to follow the prāṇā.

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