Category: Academic hindu studies
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A Metaphorical Exploration into the Ideas on...
When we casually attempt to define modernity, words associated with temporality often find their place. For instance, ‘progress’, ‘change’, ‘movement’, ‘transformation’, etc, are some of the words...

Reflections on Hindu Studies – An Eye Opener
A personal quest of a Molecular Biology scientist, living far away from Bhārat, who wishes to teach the next generation not just ślokas and scriptures, but about what happened to our civilization and...

My Journey Towards Hinduism
A personal reflection of a seeker from Brazil, who found answers in Hinduism.

A Story of Personal Learning
A personal reflection of a born-Hindu, who rediscovered his roots after drifting away; and is now determined to learn more and spread the knowledge.

I practice Hinduism; Do I need to study...
Considering that there are so many facets to Hinduism, wouldn’t it suffice for one to practice one or more of them? If so, why is there a need to embark on an academic pursuit of the Sanatana Dharma?

Who Speaks for Hindu Studies?
A non-Hindu may certainly teach Hinduism, but Hinduism must be taught on par with other traditions. The Vedas, Upanishads, Brahmasutras, Itihasas are not a playground for one to reconcile personal...

Ayurveda & Beyond: The Need for Hindu...
Hindu studies in academic institutions of all levels is important to present the breadth and depth of Hindu thought to humanity. The opportunity to receive this education is important for the sake of...

Hindu Studies in an Academic Setting
A look at the characteristics of formal academic settings where Hinduism's traditions and the immense knowledge contained therein have been studied for centuries.

The Hindu Paradigm & World Consciousness
How the Hindu concept of Puruśārtha can help make the world a better place by placing "Pursuit of Happiness" in the right perspective.