Category: Bhagavad gita
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Inaugural Bhagavad Gita Pariksha
HUA successfully collaborated with the Hindu Society of North Carolina, Sri Venkateswara Temple, and Radio Nyra to conduct the inaugural Bhagavad Gita Pariksha (BGP). The competition united the local...
Inauguration of the 'Statue Of Oneness'
HUA faculty Dr. D. K. Hari and Dr. Hema Hari share their profound experience at the inauguration of the 'Statue of Oneness - Ekatmata Ki Pratima' at Omkareshwar, on September 21, 2023, the history...

Exploring Adhikari Sadhaka – Part 1
This is the first part of a two-part blog on the qualities of an Adhikāri Sādhaka—an aspirant for the knowledge of Brahman. A close reading of the Praṣna and Katha Upaniṣads reveals the ethical and...

Necessity for Hindu Studies in Academic...
Academic studies of Hinduism is a necessity, as it can shape the current and future generations' understanding and appraisal of Hinduism. Academia has larger scale influence and...