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Hindu Astronomy Retreat

Sanskrit Residential Camp

ABCs of Ayurveda Diet for Body and Mind

Open House: Certificate Program in Hindu Studies

One time registration for HUA Webinars every Week

Samskritam at HUA: From Script to Scriptures

Vedic Chanting – Rudram

The Educational Heritage of India

Hindu Dharmic Parenting - I

Gurus in America- The incredible impact of India's Dharmic Ambassadors

Sādhana Pañcakam

Rituals and Fasting

Distinguishing Varna and Jati from Caste

Bhakti – The Heart of Wisdom - 1

Chanakya’s Leadership Principles for the 21st Century

Exploring Hinduism- Divinities and Dharma of Hindus

Ayurveda Wellness Retreat, Orlando, FL

Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram

Celebrating the merger of CCA with HUA

California College of Ayurveda merges with HUA

Mahabharata, and the Bhagavad Gita and the West

Announcing the 16th WAVES Conference

Celebrate Learning and Growth: Guru Poornima Open House

Orientation to Hindu Studies

Ayurveda First Aid and Home Remedies

Ayurveda - Fasting and Detox

Exploring Hinduism through Geography and History

Yoga of the Yoga Sutras

How to Teach the Bhagavad Gita for Beginners

Understanding the Vedas

Vaisheshika Darshana: From Physics to Moksha


HUA's Annual Fundraiser and Gala

Introduction to Vedic Chanting

Sri Aurobindo and Dharma

Friends of HUA - New Jersey Chapter

HUA's Annual Fundraiser and Gala - New Jersey

Karma and Health

Growing Up With the Gita and BGP

Bhagavad Gita Through Samskritam

DMV Friends of HUA Meet and Greet

Astronomy of the Ancient Indians

Chakra Immersion Retreat

Open House: Graduate Level Program on Hindu Studies

Master of Arts in Sanskrit

Yoga of the Mahabharata

Open House: Certificate Program in Hindu Studies

Shastriya Sangeet

Chakra Healing: Gratitude & Consciousness

Yoga of Motherhood

The Depth and Breadth of Yoga

Ayurveda - Advanced Nutrition

Nyaya Darshana

Certificate Program in Sanskrit Proficiency

Dhyaanam - Meditation and the Meditator

The Educational Heritage of Ancient India

GitaVidya Bodhak

Are Varna, Jati, and Caste the Same?

How Hindu Dharma Transformed America

Growing Up With the Gita and Unraveling the Upanishads

Stotras and Samskaras

Master of Arts in Sanskrit

Ayurveda, Yoga and Chakra Healing Retreat

Nyaya Darshana and Vedanta

Experiencing Pran Pratishtha of Ram Lalla - A First Hand Account

Reflecting on the Significance of the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya

Ayodhya – A Cultural Renaissance

The Bhāgavatapurāṇa

Mother Womb - Engaging the Divine Feminine

Ayurveda Essential Nutrition

Svadharma - Discovering and Living Your Life's Purpose

Certificate Program in Hindu Studies

Hindu Contributions That Shaped The Mind

Yoga of the Yoga Sutras

Chanakya Leadership Principles for the 21st Century

Across the Universe

Chakra & Astro Healing

HUA Graduation Ceremony 2023

Embark on a Linguistic Journey Rejuvenating Samskrtam at HUA

Understanding Isavasya Upanishad based on Advaita, Visistadvaita, and Dvaita Commentaries

Introduction to Upanishads

Open House on Graduate Programs in Hindu Studies

Why did Governor Newsom Veto SB 403?

Hindu to Christian and back to Hindu again

BLACK AVATAR: How Colorism Came to India

Hindu Dharma in Bali

Dismantling Caste Consciousness

Wellness and Wellbeing from the Ayurveda lens

Open House: Discover Dharma - A Study Tour in India

Ahimsa and the Art of Nonviolent Communication

Open House: A Study Tour in India

Unveiling Vedic Wisdom: Opportunity to Inquire into Spirituality & Knowledge

Hinduism and Feminism

Yoga for Total Wellness

The Concept of Superimposition of Ādi Śaṅkara

Graduate Studies at HUA

Nayāya - The Ancient Science of Reasoning

Kautilya's Dharmic capitalism - Its relevance and context today

Growing Up with The Gita

Ahimsa and the Art of Nonviolent Communication

Next Generation Hindu Youth Leadership

Understanding the Daksinamurti Stotram by Adi Sankara

Understanding the Vedas

Ragas in Film Music Across India

Embodying the Infinite in Just 1,000 Names

Ayurveda - The Wisdom of Wellbeing

Human Unity: International Yoga Day 2023

The Path to Happiness Embracing Self-Knowledge

Distinguishing Varna and Jati from Caste

Lessons from the Valmiki Ramayan

Hindu Contributions Shaping The Globe

Exploring Hindu Philosophy through Shad Darshanas

Chanakya's Principles of Leadership

Master of Arts in Sanskrit

Isa-Upanishad - Advaita, Visistadvaita, and Dvaita Views

How Hindu Dharma Transformed America

Bhagavad Gita as a Yoga Shastra

How Hindu Dharma is Transforming the West

Bhagavad Gita through Samskritam

Learn Sanskrit to Excel in Indic Knowledge Systems (IKS)

Hindu Approach to Counseling

Exploring Hindu Dharma: Past, Present, Future - Panel Discussion

The Aftermath of the Cisco Caste Court Verdict

Hindus and the Environment on Earth Day

Uncovering America's Caste Wars: The Evidence Gap - Part 2

Aahaar Kranti Movement: Ayurveda Diet & Nutrition

Introduction to the Vedic Ritual

Reconstructing Hindu History

Dhyaanam – Meditation and the Meditator

Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram

Speak and Comprehend Sanskrit and Get Certified (MCSS / CPSP)

How Hindu Dharma Transformed America

Society and Culture In The Hindu Civilization

Friends of HUA - Bay Area

Renaissance of Sanatana Dharma in the Light of Shri Aurobindo

The Yoga of Healing

Yoga of the Yogasutrams

Certificate Program in Shuddha Hindi (CPSH)

Chanakya's Principles of Leadership

The History of Shastriya Sangeet

Shanti Sisterhood - Network of Hindu Women and Femmes

Yoga of The Mahabharata

Bhakti Music from Saints to Synthesizers

Systeme de Castas - The Iberian Origin of the Hindu Caste system

Vedantsara and Sankhyakarika

Bhagavad Gita through Samskritam

Orientation and Fundraiser: HGH & HUA

Building Capabilities in Sanskrit

Hindudvesha.org's webinar series - America's Caste Webinar - Part 1

Open House on Graduate Programs at HUA

Understanding Hinduphobia

Chanakya's Leadership Principles for the 21st Century

Bhaja Govindam - A Topical Approach

HUA Year in Review

Self Discovery through the Mahabharata

Asana as Meditation

Certificate Program in Hindu Civilizational Studies

Ramayana for Excellence in Management and Leadership

Svadharma - Discovering and living our life purpose

Introduction to Upanishads – Part 2

Ragas in Shastriya Sangeet and Modern Music

Renaissance of Sanatana Dharma in the Light of Sri Aurobindo Part 2

Deha - the Principles of Sound Body

Vedantasara of Sadananda

Mastering Sanskrit - The M.A. Program

Three Vedantic Perspectives on the Bhagavad Gita

Certificate programs in Sanskrit – Beginner Phase

The Bangladeshi Hindu Genocide - A Recognition Long Overdue

Hindu Filmmakers

Sanskrit Graduation Ceremony M.A & Certificate Programs

The Hindu Minority Experience in Pakistan

Pandita-ratnam K. S. Varadacharya Centenary Celebration

Hindus for Social Good

Indology Spotlight: Paul Hacker and the construction of Neo-Vedanta

The Renaissance of Sanatana Dharma in the Light of Sri Aurobindo

Antaranga Yoga - The Five Seats of Power

Bhaja Govindam - A Topical Approach

Hindu Temples and Their Future in America

Ayurveda, Nutrition and Wellbeing

Open House: Shuddh Hindi

Bhagavad Gita through Samskritam

Bhagavad Gita for the Beginner

Ramayana for Excellence in Management and Leadership

Reconstructing Hindu History - The Commissions

Hindu Temples, Traditions, and Rituals

The Yoga of Motherhood

Vedanta and Sankhya

Introduction to Upanishads

Cancelled: Vishnu Sahasranama Stotram

The Certificate in Hindu Civilizational Studies

Certificate Program in Shuddh (Pristine) Hindi

The Three Flavors of Vedanta - Advaita, Dvaita and Visishtadvaita

Learn about Sanskrit Proficiency

Yoga - Psychological and Spiritual Transformation

Bhagavad Geetha through the Bhagavad Bhasha - Samskritam

Celebrating 75 years of India's Independence

How Western Academia justifies Yoga Appropriation

Hindu Studies as a Transformational Journey

Across the Universe: Hindu Dharma and the Creative Arts

Swastika versus the Hakenkreuz

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